Standing on water

A diary helps you a lot - coz you spill your deepest secrets in it, and it doesn't sneak on you. Dogs are great stress-busters - coz you cry all over them, and they are only bothered about licking your tears away. The sky is the ultimate comforter - it envelopes all your screams in the folds of its vastness.

I had a living diary. I had a throbbing sky. And if it weren't rude to say so, I'd have also said, "I had a human dog."

It's now more than 72 days since we spoke. Or rather, since I spoke... screamed... cried... and he absorbed. That makes it a fifth of a year. Small in number, big in implications.

I have moved quite a bit since that first day of silence. I have finally borne the Internal Dog. But how can you kill Love? It might sleep, but can never die.

Or it may go into a forced coma. When ego raises its hood.

And so the days go on... with the scream of silence punctuated between two worlds of work.

Maybe yes, for me he was merely a dog...


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